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Yoast SEO 16.3

Out now: Yoast SEO 16.3! This release helps you with one of the key aspects of modern SEO: Structured data. Yoast SEO 16.3 comes with a lot of enhancements for the implementation. Enjoy! Read more about what’s new in Yoast SEO 16.3 in our release post!


  • Adds the Table of Contents accessibility feature to the Article Schema with a fallback to the WebPage Schema, when using the Yoast Table of Contents block.
  • Adds the url property to the Author Schema on a post when author archives are enabled.
  • Adds the wordCount and thumbnailUrl attributes to Article schema pieces.
  • Allows adding multiple FAQ blocks to a post or page.


  • Fixes a bug where a malformed Organization piece would be added to the Schema output if the company logo was an unsupported image.
  • Fixes a bug where we would accidentally include unminified CSS files in the zip. This led to an unnecessary zip size increase.
  • Fixes a bug where the complete options array could be re-saved in the database at each frontend request.
  • Fixes a bug where both noindex and index values could be added to the robots meta tag on the WordPress login screen.
  • Fixes a rare bug where the name property could be missing in the breadcrumb Schema due to plugin conflicts.


  • Adds the yoast_display_gutenberg_compat_notification filter to allow disabling the Gutenberg compatibility notification.
  • Adds the wpseo_schema_person_data filter to enable the filtering of Person Schema by the user's ID.
  • Adds the Yoast\WP\SEO\admin_post_types_archive action at the end of the archive section of the custom post types in Search Appearance.
  • Deprecates the wpseo_admin_page_meta_post_types action in favor of the new Yoast\WP\SEO\admin_post_types_beforearchive action.
  • Deprecates the wpseo_admin_page_meta_taxonomies action in favor of the new Yoast\WP\SEO\admin_taxonomies_meta action.
  • Improves the layout of the Search Appearance collapsibles.
  • Improves spacing between settings sections in the Search Appearance page.
  • Replaces all occurrences of 'SEMrush' by 'Semrush' to reflect Semrush's rebranding.